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Written by You will need to have a working install of samba. For windows you can use the apple laser printers drivers. Use one that has colors and high resolution. Remeber to credit me if you use this. thanks torgrimt at Put this in smb.conf [smbpdf]
comment = PDF Generator
path = /var/spool/samba
printable = Yes
print command = /usr/sbin/pdfprint %s %U %G %m %I %H And the script to convert the files to pdf... You will have to make the dir spesified in OUTPUTPATH in the users homedir. #!/bin/bash
#convert to pdf
#$1=spool file $2=uid $3=gid $4=machinename $5=ip $6=homedir
FILENAME=pdf-$2-`date +%d%m%H%M%S`.pdf
echo converting $1 to $FILENAME for $2 of machine $4... $6>>
/usr/bin/ps2pdf $1 $OUTPUTPATH/$FILENAME >> $OUTPUTPATH/pdfcreate.log 2>> $OUTPUTPATH/pdfcreate.log
echo conversion finished, removing $1 >> $OUTPUTPATH/pdfcreate.log
rm $1
echo done, setting permissions and notifing user >> $OUTPUTPATH/pdfcreate.log
chown $2:$3 $6/$FILENAME >> $OUTPUTPATH/pdfcreate.log
chmod 700 $6/$FILENAME >> $OUTPUTPATH/pdfcreate.log
echo your new PDF is called $FILENAME. | smbclient -M $4 -I $5
echo All done. >> $OUTPUTPATH/pdfcreate.log
echo >> $OUTPUTPATH/pdfcreate.log
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